หน้าหลัก | สุขภาพดี | สุภาพสตรี | การแปลผลเลือด | โรคต่างๆ | วัคซีน


คุณกำลังเผชิญอยู่ และทุกข์ทรมานจากส้นเท้าแตกหรือไม่?

หากเป็นเช่นนั้น ข้อมูลและลิงก์ต่อไปนี้อาจสนใจคุณ!


ส้นเท้าแตกไม่เพียงแต่จะทำให้ดูไม่น่าดู แต่ยังสร้างความเจ็บปวดและความอับอายได้อีกด้วย ข่าวดีก็คือส้นเท้าเรียบของทารกสามารถทำได้โดยใช้ครีมแก้ข้อศอกด้านเล็กน้อย และความช่วยเหลือจากแพทย์ซึ่งแก้โรคเท้าของคุณ ส้นเท้าแตกเล็กน้อยส่วนใหญ่สามารถรักษาได้เองที่บ้าน แต่เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์ที่ดีที่สุด แพทย์ซึ่งแก้โรคเท้าของเราสามารถขจัดผิวหนังที่ตายแล้วออกจากเท้าของคุณ ปล่อยให้เท้านุ่ม เรียบเนียน และพร้อมสำหรับรองเท้าแตะ


ส้นเท้าแตกเกิดจากการแตกหรือแตกของผิวหนัง การแตกนี้อาจเกิดจากความแห้งกร้านหรือความหนาของผิว (แคลลัส) ที่แตกและแตกออกภายใต้แรงกดเมื่อผิวบริเวณส้นเท้าหนาหรือแห้ง จะสูญเสียความอ่อนนุ่มและยืดหยุ่น และสามารถแตกออกได้ภายใต้แรงกดดันง่ายๆ เช่น จากการเดิน สิ่งนี้สามารถนำไปสู่ส้นเท้าแตกที่ไม่น่าดู เจ็บปวด และแม้กระทั่งเลือดออก สิ่งนี้สามารถทำให้แย่ลงไปอีกในผู้ที่มีแผ่นไขมันขนาดใหญ่ที่ฝ่าเท้า ซึ่งภายใต้ความกดดันต้องการความยืดหยุ่นมากขึ้นในผิวหนังเพื่อขยายโดยไม่แตก สาเหตุอื่นๆ ของความดันที่เพิ่มขึ้นรวมถึงการยืนเป็นเวลานาน การตั้งครรภ์ หรือน้ำหนักเกิน





วิธีที่รวดเร็วที่สุดในการทำให้ส้นเท้าเรียบเนียนเหมือนทารกคือการไปพบแพทย์ซึ่งแก้โรคเท้าโดยลอกเอาเซลล์ที่ตายออก ปล่อยให้เท้าของคุณแข็งแรงและอวดได้ พวกเขายังสามารถให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับประเภทของครีมที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับสภาพผิวของคุณ รวมทั้งแยกแยะเหตุผลที่ร้ายแรงกว่าที่ว่าทำไมผิวของคุณถึงแห้งและแตกได้

นอกจากการทำความสะอาดส้นเท้าที่แห้งที่ตายแล้วให้กับคุณแล้ว แพทย์ซึ่งแก้โรคเท้าของคุณอาจสามารถรักษาสาเหตุพื้นฐานของการแตกร้าวได้ รวมทั้งให้คำแนะนำที่ถูกต้องเกี่ยวกับวิธีดูแลส้นเท้าให้อยู่ในสภาพที่ดี



Read more at http://www.diabeticconnect.com/diabetes-discussions/general/18749-diabetic-foot-care-cracked-heel-care#di6FBXVdFmeAROMy.99

Cracked heels are an issue that plenty of people have to deal with and not a single person enjoys. Having cracked heels, otherwise known as heel fissures, is a persistent inconvenience that is hard to deal with. Since there are so many ways to trigger them, almost anybody is vulnerable. Regular sandal use, poor hygiene, and vitamin/mineral deficiencies are just a few of the many ways people develop cracked heels.

If you have developed cracked heels and experience dry and flaky skin you know how problematic and uncomfortable it can be. The itching and unsightly appearance has inspired people who have this issue to search everywhere for a suitable remedy to their problem. The use of natural solutions has proven to be an effective and safe way to alleviate the symptoms of cracked heels.

Cooking Oils

Rubbing cooking oil on your feet? I’m aware that some of these might sound a little crazy at first but don’t knock it until you try it. Believe it or not, you can use multiple household cooking oils to effectively treat your cracked heels. Some of the more popular choices are sesame, coconut, vegetable, and olive oil.

First you should make sure that you clean off the affected area as much as possible. Remove any excess skin or flakes with a tool like a pumice stone. After your heels are nice and clean, use a cotton ball to evenly spread a generous amount of oil on the dry skin. For the best results, try doing this regularly before bed.

Banana and Avocado

In case you were wondering, yes every item on this list is completely edible. What can you trust more than something that is also good for you to eat? For this treatment, you will need a whole ripe banana and half of an avocado.

Slice the banana up into a blender or food processor and then scoop in the avocado. Blend up the ingredients until you have a nice thick paste. If necessary, you can add a splash of water to help it blend better. Gently rub the paste on to your heels and leave it on for about 15 minutes. When the time is up, wash off your feet with some warm water.


This treatment for cracked heels is one of the most popular thanks to its effectiveness and ability to promote soft and healthy skin. Honey can provide your feet with moisturizing benefits as well as antibacterial properties.

Mix a few tablespoons of honey with a small bucket of warm water. After stirring the water and making sure the honey is completely dissolved, immerse your feet into the bucket. Let your feet soak in the mixture for about 20 minutes then gently pat them dry. Another option is to apply honey directly over the cracked heels. Then put socks to cover the heels and leave for few hours. You can find here another great ways to use honey for your health.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is used in many different natural health remedies because of its high acidic levels. It can effectively soften your skin and help treat cracked heels. To some people the citrusy smell is quite pleasant and therapeutic as well.

There are two ways you can use lemon juice to treat cracked heels. Some people prefer to apply it directly to the skin with a cotton ball. Others mix the juice with warm water and soak their feet in the mixture for up to 15 minutes. Most of the remedies on this list require you to gently pat dry your feet. This is much better for dry skin since rubbing with a towel can irritate the area and be detrimental to your treatment.

Aloe vera

You can apply fresh aloe vera gel after soaking your feet in lukewarm water. Wear socks and leave for few hours or do it before going to sleep at night. Find here the best uses of aloe vera for healthy skin.

Bid Farewell to Dry Heels

We all know cracked heels are far from pleasant. You don’t have to let them make you uncomfortable or insecure about exposing your feet. If you are persistent and patient with the above mentioned treatments, you will eventually see real results in treating your heel fissures. You can rest easy knowing that the ingredients are completely natural and safe for even the most fragile skin. I mean look at them, the list practically looks like a baking recipe! Give one of these natural remedies a try and say goodbye to the inconvenience of dry heels.

Using honey is not only a popular treatment for cracked heels, but also a very popular for treating the delicate skin on our face. Click here to learn how to make great and easy homemade honey face masks:

Cracked heels look embarrassing, and they may also develop into painful openings and fissures if left untreated. In the beginning, you take your dehydrated feet as a minor nuisance, but before you'd even know, it would lead to problems like ulcerations and fungal infections. So it's important to treat these minor foot problems to ensure they don't escalate into annoyingly big issues. You should pay attention to foot care even more if you have diabetes. Know the symptoms to ensure you take measures before it becomes serious. Here's more about how to heal cracked heels.

Symptoms and Causes of Cracked Heels

You need to learn about the symptoms and causes of cracked heels to be able to identify the most effective cracked heel treatment for you.

Symptoms of Cracked Heels

Dry feet are usually the first symptom of cracked heels and that's why there will be some additional symptoms, such as redness, itchiness, rough skin, cracks in the feet, peeling skin, and rashes. The symptoms tend to become worse in winter months.

Causes of Cracked Heels

You have dry feet and cracked heels because of insufficient moisture in your skin. It could happen when you take excessive hot showers, use soaps that are non-moisturizing, have low humidity levels in your office or home, and have medical conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, thyroid diseases or diabetes. Cold weather, long periods in the sun, and aging may also cause cracked heels.

How to Deal With Cracked Heels


Try a Heel Balm

Apply a heel balm twice daily to moisturize your heels. Bear in mind that if you dab some heel balm on the cracked heels in the morning, it can increase your heel skin's elasticity and help decrease the occurrence of new cracks so as to get you better prepared for a day's activity. If the existence of a heel balm discomforts you, use some balm on the rims of your heels and for the affected area use a heel balm stick instead to reduce the greasy feeling and make it less slippery.


Try Banana Paste

Thanks to their moisturizing properties, ripe bananas can be one of the cheapest yet effective home remedies to treat your cracked heels. Mash a banana to make a smooth paste. Lean your feet thoroughly, apply this paste on your feet and let it stay for 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash your feet and then put your feet in cold water for 5 minutes or so to restore smooth and soft heels.


Soak with Lemon Juice

The lemons are acidic, and they can work amazingly well to soften rough skin and prevents cracking. Make a mixture of lemon juice and warm water, and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. Then use a pumice stone to scrub your heels and dry it with a towel. But don't use hot water.


Apply Vegetable Oil

You can use a variety of vegetable oils to avoid and treat cracked heels. Coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil, and other hydrogenated vegetable oil work just fine.

Before you apply the oil, be sure to dip your feet in soapy water and then scrub to remove dead skin cells. Then dry your feet properly before applying vegetable oil. Use the oil before going to bed and put on a pair of clean socks.


Use Petroleum Jelly

You can improve your cracked heels by using petroleum jelly. First, scrub the dead skin cells using a pumice stone. Then apply petroleum jelly on your heels and put on your socks to cover your feet. Do it daily to see improvements. You can make petroleum jelly more effective by mixing a teaspoon of lemon juice to it.


Wax Your Feet

You may consider going for a paraffin wax treatment if your cracked heels are really bad and hurt a lot. Avoid using this remedy if you have poor circulation or are diabetic. Simply melt a block of paraffin wax and add a couple of teaspoons of coconut oil or mustard oil. Then let it cool off until you notice a thin layer forming on the top. Place your feet inside the mixture and get it out after 10-15 seconds, and dip again. Do this multiple times until you have several layers of wax on your heels. Finally, use a plastic sheet to cover your feet for half an hour before peeling off the wax.


Shower with Care

Take special care of your cracked heels after you've taken a shower like applying petroleum jelly or moisturizer. It is even better to skip a shower when you have cracked heels because water outside the body will robe your body of moisture and oil. If you really have to take a bath, opt for lukewarm water instead of a toasty-hot bath to avoid drying out your skin.


Other Treatments for Cracked Heels

The following video will help you learn more about some natural remedies for your cracked heels that you can prepare in your own kitchen:

Three Parts:Understanding The CausesRecognizing The SymptomsTreating The Condition

Think of your feet as your physical base; they're what keep you up and running. So if you're like most people, and don't think your feet need consistent care, think again. Cracked heels are one of the most common foot issues that can arise if you don't pay proper attention. But don't despair, baby soft foot skin is just one article away. Read on to learn more about how to get rid of annoying cracked skin around the heels.

Three Parts:Understanding The CausesRecognizing The SymptomsTreating The Condition

Think of your feet as your physical base; they're what keep you up and running. So if you're like most people, and don't think your feet need consistent care, think again. Cracked heels are one of the most common foot issues that can arise if you don't pay proper attention. But don't despair, baby soft foot skin is just one article away. Read on to learn more about how to get rid of annoying cracked skin around the heels.





Part 1 of 3: Understanding The Causes

Part 2 of 3: Recognizing The Symptoms


Part 3 of 3: Treating The Condition


Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are a common problem affecting men and women all over the globe. Cracks on the soles can develop on one, or both feet. This affliction is more common in those who are elderly. You may also suffer from cracked heels if you exert an excessive amount of pressure on the soles of your feet, over a prolonged period of time. This problem may worsen during the winter months, or if you live in dry climates.

People often regard cracked heels as a sign of inadequate foot care and hygiene. However, there are several different factors that could lead to the development of fissures or lesions on the heels. At times, heel cracks may also be an indication of certain nutritional deficiencies.

Cracked Heels  Picture

For many, the appearance of cracks on the heels is nothing more than an embarrassment or an inconvenience. However, at times these fissures could cause you to experience an immense amount of pain. This could make it difficult for you to stand, walk or wear certain kinds of footwear. Left unchecked, cracked heels can also start bleeding or get infected. Therefore, it is important to try and control this problem as early as possible. Fortunately, most cases of cracked heels can be easily treated with the help of simple remedies and self-care measures. Alternately, you could also consult a dermatologist or a podiatrist for medical treatment options.

Symptoms of Cracked Heels

It could take several days or even weeks for cracks on the heels to develop completely. In fact, by recognizing the early signs of fissures on the heels you may be able to prevent or at least control them to some extent. You will know that you are about to develop heel cracks if you notice symptoms like:

Do consult your doctor in case you experience any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above. As the cracks on the heels continue to develop, you may also notice bleeding, white discharge or signs of an infection.

Causes of Cracked Heels

You are probably aware of the fact that the skin on your heel is thicker than the rest of your foot. Therefore, you need to moisturize it often and thoroughly, in order to keep it healthy and supple. For any reason, if the skin covering the heel becomes excessively dry, the lack of moisture in the area will cause the upper layer of the skin to lose flexibility. As a result, the skin on the heel starts to split and crack.

What Causes Cracked Heels?

There are several different factors that can cause you to develop cracks on your heels. Some of the most common causes of this problem include:

Though it is not very common, some people may also develop cracks on the heels because of nutritional deficiencies. You may notice heel fissures as reaction to the lack of Iron, Calcium, Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids and Zinc.

Most people do not try to identify the causes of cracks on the heels. However, some causes of cracked heels are more serious than the others and need to be addressed by a doctor. Therefore, do consult your family doctor or a dermatologist about this problem, before you try to resolve it on your own.

Remedies for Cracked Heels

Fortunately, most cases of cracked heels can be reversed completely, with the help of simple home remedies and lifestyle changes.

How to Heal Cracked Heels?

The first step in treating cracked heels is getting rid of the excessive dryness in the skin. In order to do this, you need to apply an oil-based cream or moisturizer on your dry cracked heels at least twice a day. For best results, you should

You should notice a significant improvement in the cracks after following this exercise twice a day for a week. However, it is best to continue this routine regularly even after the cracks disappear.

Given below are a few remedies and self-care measures that will help you care for cracked heels at home

These home cures for cracked heels are quite safe; however, it is best to check with a doctor before trying any of them. Do check with a doctor in case you do not see any improvement in your dry cracked heels even after using these remedies for a week.

Diet for Cracked Heels

There is no specific diet that you need to follow while treating cracked heels. However, since certain nutritional deficiencies can lead to the formation of cracks on the heels, it is best that you follow a diet that is high in:

Never make any changes to your diet without first checking with your health care provider. It is also essential to follow a diet that provides your body with the right balance of all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Suggestion for Cracked Heels

Preventing dry and cracked heels is much easier than trying to cure them. Given below are a few suggestions that could keep your heels from developing cracks:

While these tips are quite safe if followed correctly, do check with your doctor, before trying any of them.

Cracked Heel:

• Cracked heel is the result of neglect and lack of moisturizing of the heels
• The heels develop deep cuts which may become painful

Symptoms to look for:

• Red or flaky patches on the heels are the first signs
• Cracks on skin which may bleed


• Feet expand sideways due to excessive pressure. Cracks may develop due to:
   o Dry skin
   o Zinc and omega-3 fatty acid deficiency

Natural home remedy using bananas:

1. Crush ripe bananas to make paste
2. Apply this paste on the cracks
3. Leave it for 10 min
4. Wash off with water
5. Do this every day

Natural home remedy using margosa leaves and turmeric powder:

1. Crush a handful of margosa leaves to make paste
2. Add 3 tsp turmeric powder
3. Mix well 
4. Apply the paste on cracks
5. Leave it for 30 min
6. Wash off with water
7. Dry with a soft cloth
8. Do this twice everyday

Natural home remedy using lemon:

1. Cut a lemon into half
2. Rub the lemon on your feet
3. Squeeze the lemon and apply the juice while rubbing
4. Continue rubbing for 5 min
5. Lightly scrub feet with a loofah or soft brush
6. Wash feet with water
7. Lemon juice is mildly acidic and helps remove dead skin cells.


• Avoid wearing sandals with open backs as these facilitate sideways    
  expansion of feet causing cracks
• Do not stand barefoot in damp areas for long time as this can make the   skin dry

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.  Refer to the terms of use.
